Psychometric Analyses
Standard Foundation and Study Habit Assessment Program
- What has changed? The teacher is the SAME, class is the SAME, classmates are the SAME and syllabus is the SAME.
- How can a child make informed decisions regarding the best career option for herself / himself?
- What is required for the all round development of a child?
- Find relevant answers to satiate your queries…..

8th Standard: A dry run for the stream selection, at the threshold of career foundation, seeking career guidance is a common normal reaction. There appears an evident trend to search for methods to increase scores on subjects such as Mathematics, Science. To comprehend the increasing level of difficulty in subjects especially Mathematics after the primary level and to maintain attention and concentration among children with apparent distractions are the causes of dilemma that parents, teachers and students themselves ponder on. Despite the best coaching provision why is the performance of their child not optimal, what should the child opt for? As we live our lives in the fast lanes, escalated cut-throat competition, ocean of career options available for the children, which one is tailor made for your child? Should he go for career A or B, where would the child blossom into a career that is on the basis of his abilities, interests and personality? With the introduction of liberal arts choices are expanding but to fit into the right job role confusion still remains dominant. Piqued interest in Science but not Mathematics but not wanting to be a doctor, wanting to opt for Non-Medical but not wanting to be an Engineer, liking Geography/ History/ English, but not knowing what would yield as lucrative career options, interest in economics, again not knowing what would be the right career option for it. There are many more such generic confusions running riot in the minds of students with stream selection and career decisions. My Life Trainer helps you satisfactorily and efficiently resolve these dilemmas and aims to lay a strong career foundation through its Foundation Assessment Program.
How will our Foundation Assessment Program benefit the child?
- Understanding the inborn intelligence, character traits and core potential areas.
- Learning how to improve grades and study smarter through the identification of your learning style and utilize the remedies to enhance performance.
- Analysis of numerical and linguistic abilities.
- Improvising interpersonal relations and effectively identifying and handling teenage emotions.
- Standard Foundation and Study Habit Assessment to help you gauge the areas for improvisation.
Stream Assessment Program for Students
- Knowing the academic subjects that you are good at and the ones that should be opted for by you…..
- Career Planning? Are you moving in the right direction? You are required to make a critical decision that impacts your life.
- Science ??? Commerce ??? Humanities ???
- Which stream selection will help you pursue the career that will be the cause of success and happiness in your life?
- Low scores, can I still opt for commerce, or go for science or diploma...?
- Can I pursue a course without mathematics to get a decent salary?
- How to make the right decision? What are the necessary steps to reach the goal? Who can one turn to, for the guidance to be on the right track?

Find the answers that will provide the clarity to realise your cherished dream…….
In the life of an Indian student the first important academic milestone is the 10th Board Examination. Despite the tremendous energies are focused to achieve the bench mark- ‘percentage’ or ‘grade’ that will set the child apart from others there is a underlying conflict of stream selection. Armed with knowledge which is more of a collation activity from external influences like parents, relatives, friends, the concerned school authorities, print and electronic media, Locality / community, Socio economic & cultural influences, Job market trends that a stream choice is made. The students are usually under emotional stress due to the influences of these significant others in their lives sometime succumb to pressure and falter to make the informed decisions. Choices made under such pressure will lead to taking up streams that one may not eventually find interesting, absorbing or satisfying resulting in change of stream for the undergraduate studies and leaving the child feeling incapacitated and lost. There are often unanswered questions lurking in the mind of parents as the child completes the board examination- What after 10th? Should my child opt for science, as he scores well in mathematics and science? But the scope of science is now getting stale, as someone I know did science and he is not leading such a great professional life…on the contrary, commerce might be a good idea and so on….This is therefore, a familiar and usual thought process, which finally ends in a choice where methodology does not play a role. At such a crucial decision making circumstances, career counselling comes to the aid of students and parents to guide the students to choose the right career path through the selection of an appropriate stream. As we perform in an occupation as per our level of aptitudes. There is more than one aptitude i.e. there are multiple aptitudes that can be assessed through a battery of scientific formal assessments. My Life Trainer does a methodic mapping of the right ingredients for the right choice of stream for the students, which is keeping in mind the aptitude, interest, personality and study habits of the student. Get them stream assessed today, get professional career counseling to get accurate and reliable results that imprint the student’s particular way of thinking.
How will the Stream Assessment Program benefit you?
- Identify top suitable streams and choice of careers and courses apt for you.
- Understand the career implications of the chosen subjects.
- Identifying areas of interest, aptitude level & factors contributing to personality development.
- Identifying your strengths and improvement areas to be an astute professional.
- Personalized career path planned for you by our career expert.
- Exclusive study habit analysis to score better while you are preparing for your board exams and other competitions.
Standard Career and Course Assessment Program
The most frequently pondered question as what to do after 12th?
Engineering, acting, journalism, pursue professional diplomas or delve into the emerging careers.
- Can I pursue a course of my choice despite average grades?
- I selected science as my first choice, however it does not interest me anymore...
- A plethora of available options and more emerge every day, too many advices…..
- Your decision now will impact your life ahead…..plan it scientifically and methodically with us for best results.

As the student selects the stream of his choice, she/he does so keeping in mind the relevant line to continue. There are two evident outcomes of a stream choice as selected in 11th standard. Either the student enjoys the selected subjects and does well or the student is not able to cope up with the pressures of the stream and is confused about the future prospects of the choice. If the outcome of stream choice in 11th is productive and positive the options become clear and relatively easier. It is witnessed that students with consistent academic performance tend to reveal popular aspirations to pursue professional courses such as Engineering, Medicine, Chartered Accountancy, Law, Architecture etc. If the outcome of stream choice in 11th is non-productive or negative, then the dilemma continues and the larger question, what to do after 12th becomes disturbing? What are my career opportunities after 12th now? The student is oblivious that there are numerous courses available after 12th, depending upon the stream viz Humanities, Science or Commerce. The important concern is that how good are these courses for the student and how will they benefit her/him. It has been noticed that an introvert aspiring to be a lawyer may not flourish in the field due to his personality type, or somebody with study habits of avoiding strenuous schedule may not be apt for Medicine as a career choice. Hence, it is important to comprehend that course selection after 12th needs utmost care, through meticulously designed scientifically proven methods. My Life Trainer offers the appropriate methodology for career, course selection.
How will Career and Course Assessment Program benefit you?
- Based on the test conducted by you top three most suitable career and course options will be prepared for you.
- Information regarding the top colleges available for your choice of career and course will be provided.
- Chances of success in your aspired career will be rationalized.
- Personalized career path planned for you by our career experts.
- Ten point unique assessment program, evaluating parameters logically required to choose a course and career:
Aptitude | Interest | Personality | Academic scores | Aspirations | Eligibility | Geography | Budget | Background | Market opportunities and other parameters essential for holistic development. - Exclusive Study Habit analysis to score better while you prepare for your board exams as well as for professional entrance exams.
Aforementioned the various benefits we aim to provide through our different programs, our graduate program aims to find solutions to the frequently asked questions:
- B.Tech /BE / /Bsc / what?
- Which course can get me a good job?
- Which would be the tailor made job profile for me?
- Initiating the professional journey? How to apply for the first job?
- Worried about the aptitude tests and group discussion?
- Confused?
- Find satisfactory solutions to the queries posed by you…….

With the completion of graduation 90% of the academic life of an average Indian student seems complete. Once done with graduation the crucial and critical question regarding the available career options after graduation is primarily on mind. As the student has invested three years pursuing under graduation now the dire need arises regarding the choice of a successful career after graduation courses. In choosing career option after graduation the general methodology witnessed is to pick the first available job making it a forced choice that was not made, but taken. Since the profession was taken so the next chunk of your life is then spent in justifying that choice, hovering around it and adjusting yourselves according to the demands of the career, irrespective of your abilities or personality. Is this logical? The most appropriate and viable option is to select what suits you and then excel in it. My Life Trainer aids you to make the apt choice based on your natural abilities and personality for career options after graduation course through comprehensive career assessment programs. Make the right choice! Go for it and secure your ambition.
How will our Career Assessment Program benefit you?
- Identifying for you the most suitable job oriented course after graduation – Degree, Short Term or Study Abroad.
- Most suitable career and job profile especially crafted for you.
- First job interview familiarization and readiness.
- Defining the required soft skills and personality change to acquire the best job prospects.
- Exclusive career path designed & personalized for you by our career experts.
- Are you not satisfied with your Career Progression?
- Not able to cope up with expectations of Boss | Colleagues | Juniors | Family | Your own?
- Feel there are limited available options and opportunities in your hometown or across India.

Are you unable to cope up with the demands of the current job profile or feel stagnant due to the similar job role for years with no scope of growth? Come, change this perception and match it with ‘New Age Thinking’, My Life Trainer provides you the exact match you are looking for- in terms of Job satisfaction, monetary benefits and creating value by contributing significantly to the growth of the company, and in turn resulting in your own growth.
The outlook of a professional viz someone who has spent some time working, and saying, that ‘I am a passionate about my job’ or ‘I really am enjoying my job profile’ is relatively rare. On the contrary, a holiday is a welcome break that most professionals look forward to. What could the possible reason for this be? Is the job pressure too high that she/he succumbs to it or is the professional not liking what she/he does? There have been instances that professionals want to quit their jobs not just because of the monetary dissatisfaction, but also due to factors such as long working hours, late timings, not being happy with the superior, being victims of favoritism or discrimination, uninteresting profile and so on. Some professionals prefer to explore and grow rather than stifle themselves in a job that emerges to be the prime source of their stress and dissatisfaction. Changing careers in the middle age is referred to as midlife career change. My Life Trainer assists these enterprising professionals to make a correct choice for midlife career change in a systematic manner through its product of career counseling for working professionals. The methodology followed would ensure that the crisis of trying to adjust without satisfaction does not reoccur. Get the appropriate guidance required for the apt switch, today from our career experts.
How will our career guidance program benefit you?
- Understanding your personality factors and work values and their impact on your professional and social milieus.
- Personalized career path planned for you by our career and industry experts.
- Comprehending the different career choices that you can pursue and if required carving a suitable course for it.
- Enhancing time management and organizational skills, developing an understanding to improvise professional and personal relations.
- How to cope up with the requirements for a midlife career change?